Discipline, social responsibility and patriotism are the three objectives of the Scouts & Guides Movement. Character, physical health, handicraft and service are the four sign posts of the scouting movement.
The Scout and Guides Movement Unit was initiated in St. Francis High School in the year 2000. The students who enrolled for the unit have had participated in various programs and activities in the local, district, state, national and international levels. They have participated in many competitions and won many prizes and awards.
In record, 22 scouts and guides have received the country’s highest award the Rashtrapati award from the President of our country. 200 scouts and guides have received the state’s highest Rajya Puraskar award from the governor of Karnataka. In the year 2000, 15 scouts took part and marched gloriously in the Republic day parade at Maneksha parade ground, Bangalore. 7 scouts and guides attended the international world jamboree at London in the year 2007. They also have attended many camporees in Davanagere, Mysore and Doddaballpaur in Karnataka.